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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

WordPress Software Review - Part 1

Installing Wordpress using Fantastico on my control panel.  If your host does not have this feature then I would switch hosts to one that does.

The WordPress install wants my email and password
I didn't even give b2 this information and I got kicked off my server because someone hijacked it and started using it for junk email.

I enter a bogus email and password.

I click on continue and this is what I get:

Install WordPress Page (2/3)

The MySQL database and MySQL user busus_wrdp1 will be created and used for this installation.

- You chose to install in the main directory of the domain
- The access URL will be:

Click on Finish installation to continue.

Install WordPress (3/3)

/home2/busus/public_html/wp-config.php configured
/home2/busus/public_html/data.sql configured

Please notice:

We only offer auto-installation and auto-configuration of WordPress but do not offer any kind of support.

You need a username and a password to enter the admin area. Your username is mayor. Your password is XXX The full URL to the admin area (Bookmark this!):

DO NOT REMOVE the file named fantastico_fileslist.txt from the installation directory. It is used for uninstalling this application.

Once again I am surprised how easy everything is.  WordPress is up and running now.

I log in and notice it has write post, and write page.  

I am not sure what the difference is so I click on post and type in a test entry.

I check and my first post is up.  Not bad I guess you can set this up in less than 5 minutes.

There is a permalink tab that talks about changing your URL to get rid of the ? and long numbers very impressed with the ease I could change the links.  

Changed to title and it seemed to work with the software only.  Now when I click on either of the two pages I get an error page.

The program gave me a .htaccess file and said if it could not write it then to upload this file. I didn’t upload anything so I go back and check again.  I uploaded the new file and it looks like it is working.

There are no extension on the URLs now, I would like .htm or .html on the file names but I can live with this.

Originally I added "/%postname%" as the structure now I go back and add


that worked my file names are just like I want them. I am impressed that the program went back and changed my previous posts to the new format also.

Ok, that was easy enough to be called a success.

Now I just need to be able to do a back up and reinstall - and find out if w.blogger will work for publishing from my desktop and I may be onto something.

15 minutes and it looks like this is working.

Not quite up there with Bloggers 55 seconds but acceptable.  At this point I would say WordPress looks like a success, and I would have to say it was very easy to install and use.