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Friday, December 02, 2005

FrontPage May Work - Still Undecided

I went back and worked with FrontPage some more, now I have a header and a footer that are includes so they show up on each page then I can just put the content on the page and I am done.

Then I can put the links in a 3rd include, so what I end up with is basically a template site, just that the template is broken up into 3 files, which is not that big of a deal.

The reason I am so interested in doing this is because there are pages that I would like to put up only with blogger the links will mess up my ads.  This way I can put only the links I want on the page.

Of course that is also the problem, for each page I have to put the links on there, plus I have to build a site map which also takes time.

I have found out if you put the FrontPage extensions on your server then FrontPage will publish the whole site and it seems to work, I have only used it 3 or 4 times,  but so far it has worked.   The ftp would not work 4 times in a row so this is an improvement.

So I am down to - do I want to spend all the time messing around with FrontPage and putting links on each page.  Or do I want to just stick with blogger and start up a new blog for each topic I want concentrated links for?

At this point I am still not sure.